Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Love her (or him) to death...

Every now and then, I'll hear phrases in the office that have a totally different meaning than they would outside of the office. One specific example is "love her to death." Usually when I hear this in the social setting, people often refer to what they like about a person, or something that the person does, that they love. It's also usually used very superficially because I don't think that people that genuinely like someone ever says they love them to death.

However, in the office, I've interpreted "love her to death" as, "I can definitely tolerate and even somewhat like this person on the personal side, but I can not stand working with them." In almost all of the cases that I've heard this phrase used in the office, there is always the inevitable but that proceeds it.

*note all hers can be substituted for hims

1 comment:

Tanner said...

I love you to death man! Now when are you quitting so I can have that great gig of yours and travel the globe like a playboy?