Monday, September 15, 2008

The Peter Jackson that you might not have known...

Before The Lord of the Rings and King Kong, the highly acclaimed director, Peter Jackson, directed a movie that was truly ahead of its time. Before Elijah Wood became frodo, and before Jack Black captured a giant gorillla, there was a Sumatran rat monkey that was the catalyst to 1992's...

Filled with everything from a priest mastered in the martial arts to the undead humping to a giant naked mother zombie, Braindead can be described as Night of the Living Dead meets Alien meets Psycho meets Thriller. This was one of the goriest movies I've ever seen. It has entire rib cages being ripped from bodies, heads with the spinal cords still attached, the use of a lawnmower as a weapon and of course, a love story to tie it all together. What's really crazy is that I don't think there were any guns in the whole movie. All of the zombie killing was used with conventional weapons. In addition, the leading lady was a woman of color which is just as amazing!

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