Friday, October 3, 2008

TV Programming

This is the first year that I've watched both the Presidential debate and the Vice Presidential debate. I think that I (and maybe the rest of generation Y) have reached that age where we can really understand what's going on with our country, and how important it is for us to choose the right leader. I was somewhat "in the know" in college, but never really understand the gravity of the situation. Now that I'm out of school and working in the "real world", things like taxes, plans for the economy, health care, the war, etc. directly affect the way that I'm going to live. This is definitely a sign of "growing up" and I think what reassures it is that I went from listening to Big Boy in the morning to listening to NPR on the way to work. Nuts.

On the lighter side of TV programming, I think the usual line up is what's in store for this fall -

I'm also thinking of catching -

- 30 Rock
- Mad Men
- Entourage
- Fringe

On a side note, I've been watching a lot of TV online. There's a great site that has SNL, The Office and Family Guy episodes on it - I haven't been up to date with Family guy, but I watched a few episodes online, and it's still one of my favorite cartoons. Here's a sample from one of the episodes from Season 6 titled "Love Blactually."

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